The SenNet Consortium works on a variety of platforms to ensure fast quick data uploads, ingest, and processing. The Consortium also facilitates communication and announcements between each research site.
All Consortium members register for an account on SenNet and direct all questions to help@sennetconsortium.org. That being said, there are a number of common questions sent to the Help Desk which are addressed below:
Question: How can I receive access to the various tools that SenNet has to offer?
Answer: Please visit sennetconsortium.org and navigate to “Member Services” on the top navigation menu. Then click on “Member Register.”
We cannot accept Google, Globus or ORCiD accounts. Please register using your institutional account or NIH’s eRA Commons login and we will gladly accept it!
Please double-check that you have provided a Slack, Github, protocols.io, Globus, or Google account for Google Drive share on your registration profile.
Question: I am having trouble accessing a document in the SenNet All Google Drive. How do I receive access?
Answer: Please double-check that you have provided a Google account for Google Drive sharing permissions on your membership profile.
Question: How can I join one of the many Working Groups that SenNet has to offer?
Answer: Please email the Help Desk and specify which Working Group you would like to join.
Question: I am a data provider and we are going to be submitting data within the next six months. What do I need to do to prepare?
Answer: Join the Data Coordination Working Group, which is responsible for specifying, formatting, and collecting data in a Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) compliant manner. This WG sets data submission, ingestion, processing, and publication standards. Email the Help Desk and ask to join the WG.
Question: I have been working with the Data Coordination team and have a new technology that does not have an associated metadata. How should I proceed?
Answer: Please reach out to the Help Desk so we can get you in contact with a data curation expert and create the appropriate metadata and directory structure schemas.
Question: I have data that I need to upload but I am not sure what to do next. How should I proceed?
Answer: Check to see if you have provided a Globus account within your registration profile. If you have done so, please verify that you are the individual responsible for your group’s data wrangling and submission. In that case, we will need to provide you access to the specific Globus group. Email the Help Desk in order to receive access.
Question: I want to access the Members Portal. How do I do that?
Answer: Have you registered your profile on the Member Services portion of sennetconsortium.org? If you are a Consortium member, you will have access to the Members Portal. Follow this link after logging into sennetconsortium.org to visit the Members Portal.
Question: We have recently published a paper related to senescence, but it has not yet populated on the Google Scholar page.
Answer: Please reach out to the Help Desk with as much information on your paper as possible, so that we can ensure it can be accurately credited and posted.
Question: What are the SenNet Science Talks and how do I view them, or even deliver my own talk?
Answer: They are a seminar series for SenNet Consortium members to share their research data and preliminary findings informally with their fellow Consortium members for feedback and discussion. Every registered consortium member will be invited to the SenNet Science Talks. You can sign up to deliver your own in the Members Portal.