The SenNet Data Previews page allows you to explore regular updates and visualizations of data being processed and published by SenNet. This page acts as an overview of current Consortium data and a look ahead at data that is yet to be published.

Click on image to launch interactive Sankey diagram.

This March 2025 SenNet Sankey diagram tracks how data has been uploaded and published through a variety of categories:

    1. Which Tissue Mapping Center (TMC) or Technology Development and Application (TDA) processes the tissue.
    2. Which technology is being used to process tissue.
    3. The human or murine organ from which the senescent cell tissue was taken.
    4. The status of that data in March 2025.

The primary datasets below are individual datasets extracted from a recent data upload. Primary datasets are the initial sets of data collected directly from a murine or human assay such as histology or single-cell RNAseq or spatial transcriptomics or proteomics data. In some cases one primary dataset results in two processed or derived datasets in the data portal (e.g., one Visium -> one Histology and one RNAseq).

The Sankey visualization above and the graph and table below are created directly from the data dashboard, which is only accessible to Consortium members, and which details operational information about primary datasets at all statuses, enabling a preview of upcoming data and detailed tracking by Consortium members. The public sees only published datasets in the data portal whereas all data submitted is shared in the portal by Consortium members.